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Kladruber Horse Sire Lines




Due to a sophisticated naming system of Kladrubers, it is easy to organize them into individual lines and consequently easy to determine their ancestors.

The origin of the Kladruber horse can be traced back to the founding sires of the foundation stocks that gave the name to the currently existing sire lines:

Male founders of classic pure-bred foundation stocks of the Kladruber:

Name Colour Year of Birth Breed Origin
Generale grey 1787 Kladruber Slovakia (Kopcany)
Generalissimus grey 1797 Kladruber Slovakia (Kopcany)
Sacramoso black 1800 Kladruber Morava (Kroměříž)
Napoleone black 1845 Italo-Spanish Italy (Rome)
Solo black 1927 Kladruber Kladruby nad Labem National Stud
Favory dun 1779 Kladruber Kladruby nad Labem National Stud

Male founders of non-classic pure-bred foundation stocks of the Kladruber:

Name Colour Year of Birth Breed Origin
Siglavi Pakra black 1946 Lipizzaner Croatia (Dakovo)
Romke black 1966 Friesian The Netherlands
Rudolfo grey 1968 Lusitano Portugal

The current population of Kladrubers is divided into 5 pure-bred classic lines and 3 pure-bred non-classic.

Stocks Generale, Favory and Rudolfo are greys, Solo, Siglavi Pakra and Romke are blacks and Generalissimus and Sacramoso exist in both colour variations. The classic pure-bred stock of Napoleone ceased to exist in 1922.

Black Horses


Similarly to the grey horses, the blacks were divided into 2 lines – Napoleone and Sacramoso. The Sacramoso line was founded by two stallions of identical name; one of them was born in 1799 and came from Archbishop Stud Farm Reis in Salzburg, the other one was born in 1800 and came from a stud farm in Kromeriz belonging to Archbishop of Olomouc.

Sacramoso line, after Sacramoso from Salzburg (born 1799), perished in 1861; the line founded by Sacramoso from Olomouc (born 1800) survived up to this day. The Napoleone line died out in 1922, when the black herd was essentially destroyed and the horses were sold out.

Present state of the black breed is based on four foundation lines – Sacramoso, Solo, Siglavi Pakra and Romke. The studbooks are categorized into 13 families.

Since 1996 the Kladruber population has been closed to any additional new blood from other breeds of horses as there is enough good-quality studs, available not only at the Kladruby nad Labem National Stud but also in private holdings. Private holders can be found even abroad, particularly in Poland, in German-speaking countries, and also in Asia or the USA.



A stallion can become a stud only if his parents are already recorded in a Kladruber studbook. Fathers and mother’s fathers in direct maternal line up to 5th generation of ancestors in the stud’s lineage belong to the Kladruber studbook. A stud can be only a grey or a black horse.

A necessary condition for a stallion to be registered in the studbook is successfully passing performance tests with a score for type, exterior, performance and movement mechanics that must be at minimum 7 points.

Stallions with a score lower than 7 in the performance tests may receive an exception in the case their lineage proves valuable for future breeding purposes.

A mare can become a broodmare only when she is of parents already recorded in a Kladruber studbook. One condition for mares to be registered in the main section of the studbook and the additional section of the book is successfully passing performance tests.

Main Section of the Studbook

Mares having parents registered in the Kladruber studbook can be listed in the main section of the studbook. Fathers and mother’s fathers in direct maternal line up to 5th generation of ancestors in the broodmare’s lineage belong to the Kladruber studbook.

The mares must pass the performance examinations. Individual scores for type, exterior and movement mechanics must reach at least 7 points, while other aspects cannot be lower than 5 points.

Naming the Horses



A stud is given a name when included into breeding. It consists of the line name – the sire line on the first place, the stud’s mother’s name coming second, a Roman numeral – the “line number” indicating the order of the stallion in the sire line on the third place. The Roman sire line number range from I to L. After L is given, the line starts again from I.  If the sire name  is comprised of two names, the second name becomes an initial (e. g. Siglavi Pakra Favorina I = Siglavi P. Favorina I).

Young Stallions

A stallion is given a name directly after his birth or when branding and listing the foal under its mother. It consists of the line name – the sire line on the first place, mother’s name coming second, a Roman numeral – the “line number” on the third place, a hyphen and an Arabic number indicating the serial number of the foal by the same father.

Fillies and broodmares

The names given to horses are consistent with cultural-historic aspects of the creation and evolution of the breed. Newly registered mares are given names approved of by an organisation in possession of the studbook. The studbook keeps a list of names for newly registered mares, organised according to the family. The mare is given a name after being born or when branding and enlisting the foal under its mother. The initial letter of the foal’s name is the same as the initial letter of the mother’s (the family) name.